If you have a child who will be entering into the New York City school system in the near future, or need help with finding the right tutor, therapist or play specialist, or just want some tips on parenting, the services of Wendy Levey Consulting will help to prepare you and find just want your family needs. From tips for the interview, be it kindergarten, middle school or high school, or even a summer job, to the ways to evaluate the schools, programs or classes your child might do, Wendy will assist you in making the right choice for your child and their future.
One of the hallmarks of Wendy Levey Consulting is that Wendy really knows the children she works with because she meets with them several times in order to best advise parents on learning style, temperament, skill needs and appropriate school match.
Wendy Levey Consulting provides a wide spectrum of educational services for you and your family. Whether it be kindergarten interviewing skills or help with your teenager to prepare him/her for a summer job or high school interview, Wendy Levey can help you and your family with all things educational.
Services Include:
A timeline for the school process
Identification of different school philosophies
Suggestions for parents on interviewing techniques and questions
Content and editing help on school essays
A preliminary assessment of your child to see if they need enrichment or support
A tutoring network for enrichment or support
A book list of appropriate books and articles on how children learn and what to look for in a school and in your own child to evaluate school match
Help identify the right personal references to use and the content for the letters
Target the number of schools to look at and apply to
Evaluation of your child for academic readiness
Time working on skill development with your child
Discussion of correct interview dress codes for child, teen and or parent
Review of photographs to be submitted
Contact schools on your behalf to give and get feedback
Advocate on your behalf at schools of choice
Help families mid-year, if transferred to NYC
Help families mid-year if a child needs to leave their school
Work with families and or caregivers on appropriate developmental standards
Work with schools to turn around preschool and kindergarten classrooms and programs to be more dynamic and socially reflective of the times
Wendy Levey is available to provide expert witness reports and testimony on educational matters for family law cases
Wendy Levey Consulting specializes in grades Pre-K through High School
College Preparation with our friends at YFT Admissions Consulting.
Additionally, Wendy Levey works with Corporations and Companies to support their employees and clients in all things education: lists of providers and support services , workshops on the school process, developmentally appropriate toy and book lists, questions to ask perspective caregivers, school overview help, school placement advice and so much more.
Work with teens to:
Identify and highlight their interests and talents
Identify schools that are academically and socially appropriate
Work on essays and follow up letters of interest and interview skill practice

Etiquette class:
Etiquette class will help 5-8 year olds acquire the skills that are hard to learn from their parents when everyone is so busy. Greeting people properly, looking them in the eye, table manners, content for thank you notes and much more will be covered in this class. 3 one hour sessions, 2-4 children in a class.
Here is a great article from Fatherly about teaching your kids table manners. Click here to read the article.
College Preparation:
Wendy Levey Consulting has just started working with YFT Admissions Consulting. While your own school surely has stellar college counselors, YFT has unlimited time to spend with your child, YFT's sole focus is your child. They are advocates for each student, figuring out what works best for each child. Click here to learn more.

Concierge Gift Service
Do you wonder exactly what to buy your child or grandchild for the holidays or their birthday? What is age appropriate? What incorporates STEM? What is creative? What is a toy that will both educate and entertain? WLC will provide a gift concierge service, you let us know: price limit, the child’s age, gender and interests and we will curate a list. It’s not if the toy is “hot” but if it will be enduring. As a long term educator, WLC is uniquely poised to provide this service!

Social Equity
Never before has social equity been more important. ALL schools are working on this topic with their faculty, administrators, alums, students and boards. They are reading, talking exploring and really thinking about anti-bias curriculums and inclusivity. How a school succeeds will be one of many ways to differentiate themselves, but certainly one of the most critical areas.
​20 Picture Books for 2020: Readings to Embrace Race, Provide Solace & Do Good
Click here to view this article on the embracerace.org website.

Fee Structure
Pricing available by phone and depending on what type of service(s) are required.