I immediately said why do you only have bad stories about me and she said, "No, Mom, this was good, you said to me in a very angry voice that we do not slam doors, especially ones with glass in them!" and I said and then what happened? And you said, "I never slammed a door again!" She learned that I was serious and apparently, she never slammed a door again and now she is telling her son, in a strong voice that we don't slam doors!
Lessons that we pass on to our kids are sometimes good ones! Like being kind is important.
Like when you help tie your brother's shoe.
Or even if you lose a match you shake hands!
Or even if something is hard, try it!
So when your daughter seems to have learned something from you and you only had to wait 35 years to hear it, the whole parenting gig is worth it!
Find a school where good values matter, and remember parenting is a process and at some point, the good stuff sinks in.
To keep the metaphor going, always keep doors open, you never know what might be on the other side.
Need help finding the right school?
Contact Wendy Levey Consulting, for interview skill work, child assessments, school differentiation, help with essays, and anything to do with education for two to eighteen-year-olds.