Girls seeing other girls being great is electric!
Being able to channel focus, determination, and execution whether it's in sports, in the classroom, in the lab, or on the stage is critical for success in any field. How does that happen?
Help your child develop focus by giving them time to practice, following through on classes or lessons, not quitting when it's hard, and making sure they eat, get rest and are getting joy from the work.

And make it fun!

No matter whether you are writing a story, climbing a wall, dancing a routine, making a scientific discovery, or doing anything, do it the very best with focus, grit, and energy. This is the key to personal, academic, and professional success!

Is your child in a school that encourages imagination, focus, and grit to feel joy? They should be!!!!
Contact: Wendy Levey Consulting, 2-year-olds through high school, all things education, we've got this! School differentiation, child assessments, strategy, interview skill work,

and more.
