Do random acts of kindness for no reward.
These are things that teachers notice, friends notice and you don't need a reward. Help tie you sibling's shoe, put dishes in the dishwasher, make your bed, Ask your teacher how their weekend was or bring your doorman or the crossing guard a muffin.

Don't hog the sidewalk when you are walking with a dog or a child, people need to pass, be considerate!
Show emotion to your kids, that's real, be it happiness, frustration, pride, or even (mild, not DEFCON 10) anger!

Read to grow at any age reading a half hour a day helps your mind grow.

Write thank you notes when people do something kind, it will knock their socks off, whether it's after a school interview or for a gift or because someone gave you a ride home.

Remember that scary things move you forward, just trying something hard gives you courage, whether it's playing an instrument, riding a bike, or going to sleepaway camp.

Always have many friends, not one, it gives you optionality and different friends for different reasons- shared interests, honest reactions, competitive reality, unconditional friendship or just someone that loves you no matter what!

Look behind you when you open a door and do not shut that door in someone's face!
In New York City, all (okay most) the even streets go EAST and all the odd streets go WEST.

If you need help, ask for it. Most people like to help others, it's a sign of strength to ask, not weakness!

Find schools that reflect the values that are important to you, whether they are: character, curiosity, joy, good sportsmanship, kindness, purpose, academic excellence, dignity, creativity, or whatever!
Need help finding that school? Contact Wendy Levey Consulting, we've got this, all things education for preschool through high school.
