The more you read as parents the more you’ll know about children and how they learn or grow or develop.
I’ve compiled a list of articles that have great tips and important information to help you and your child grow and prosper. I will be updating this page as I come across new articles so please do come back and check back periodically.
The Biggest Private School Race of Them All?
Featuring quotes from Wendy Levey.
During the late fall and early winter, from the Upper East Side of
Manhattan to the tony enclaves of Los Angeles, light dinner party
conversations almost inevitably turn to talk of private school
applications. Well-heeled parents mingling over cocktails might banter about their top-choice destinations, feign shock at the tuition costs (some are upwards of $80,000 a year per child), or when to expect an acceptance letter.
Gen Z teens feel crushing pressure to achieve. 6 ways parents can fight it, not fuel it.
While I am years out of high school, my memories of crumbling under its demands remain sharp in my mind. After returning from cross-country practice in the evening and speeding through dinner to crack the textbooks awaiting me, tears would often fall on my pages under the pressure—self-inflicted, social, and familial—to be perfect by achieving the highest grades, exceeding in every class and extracurricular, and getting into the best college.

China's Numbers Are Shorter Than Ours
Here are seven random numbers. Sort of like a telephone number, but arranged vertically. Take a glance — just a glance — then pause, take out a piece of paper and see how many you can recall.
According to the French neurologist and mathematician Stanislas Dehaene, about 50 percent of English speakers can remember all seven numbers. I'm in the other 50 percent. When people give me their phone number, I can make it about five digits through, then I moisten my finger and try to write the last two on the phone's surface (but that's just me).
30 Toys That Keep Kids Entertained
As a mom of four, I’m well aware that toys are an amazing asset. They help your little ones learn, keep them occupied for solid stretches of time and even make it easy for you to join in on the fun.
But as we all know, some toys capture kids’ attention and imagination, while others end up collecting dust in a closet. For a short list of the true kid-pleasers, we tapped top experts to find the standouts for the toddler to teen years. Whether you’re shopping for your own child, a loved one or for a birthday gift, these are the kid-tested toys that are sure to be a hit.

The 10 Most Prestigious Private Middle and High Schools in New York City.. .and How to Get In
Wendy Levey is a Manhattan-based education consultant.
While private-school admission in NYC is always competitive, it gets harder as the child gets older. Her picks for the most prestigious in the city include The Hewitt School and Allen-Stevenson.

U.S. Parents Think Reading Instruction Is Going OK - Until They See National Test Results
About half of all parents say that their children have struggled to learn how to read at some point in their education.
Still, the majority think that their child’s elementary school is putting the right amount of emphasis on reading skills, and that instruction in the subject is going “pretty well,” or “ok.”
The 100 Greatest Children's Books: Who Voted?
We polled 177 experts from around the world for their greatest children's books of all time. Here are their votes in full.
BBC Culture polled experts on their greatest children's books of all time. In total 177 authors, illustrators, journalists, academics and industry figures from 56 countries responded.
Why Kids Aren't Fallin in Love With Reading
Hint: It's not just the screens. These days, when I explain to a fellow parent that I write novels for children in fifth through eighth grades, I am frequently treated to an apologetic confession: “My child doesn’t read, at least not the way I did.” I know exactly how they feel—my tween and teen don’t read the way I did either. When I was in elementary school, I gobbled up everything.
Click here to read this article in The Atlantic
(A subscription may be required to read this article)
The Phone in the Room
We examine the raging debate about smartphones and teenage mental health.
What 'Harold' and the Purple Crayon' Teaches Us About Resilience
"Our dignity rests in our ability to stay originally ourselves despite challenges," writes Ross Ellenhorn.

New Year's Education Goals: Ensure a Successful Education for Your Child in 2023
Ahh, the new year is here—a time for making positive changes, and sticking with them! Now, as a parent, you know how important a good education is for your little student. So why not make some cool resolutions to help ensure a successful education for your child in 2023, and beyond?
'Parentese' is Truly a Lingua Franca, Global Study Finds
In an ambitious cross-cultural study, researchers found that adults around the world speak and sing to babies in similar ways.
Click here to read this article in PDF form from The New York Times
Click here to read the article and listen to the audio on The New York Times website

The 12 Most Prestigious Private Preschools in New York City - and How to Get In
New York City has arguably one of the most competitive landscapes for private preschools in the nation.
Manhattan-based educational consultant Wendy Levey told Insider that a lot of this has to do with what comes after preschool.

Talking about Hard Things with Kids
The world feels heavy. I had intended to post on skin care in pregnancy today (which I will, later this week), but all that has been on my mind is the news out of Ukraine. Like many of us, I’m struggling to process it myself. And on top of that, I’m trying to work out how to talk to my kids about it, if at all. I know I’m not alone in this; Melinda Wenner Moyer had an excellent post on it in the New York Times this week.
Click here to read this article from ParentData
Helping Children Cope with Frightening News
When tragedy strikes, it can be hard to deal with your own grief and distress while helping your children do the same. But there are things you can do to help kids handle scary news.
To break the news about an event that kids might see on the news, don’t wait to tell them. It’s better for them if you’re the one who tells them. You’ll be able to give the facts, however painful, and set the emotional tone.
Click here to read this article from Child Mind Institute

How to Manage a Meltdown
An expert on girls and anxiety, Lisa Damour, Ph.D., is a psychologist, best-selling author, monthly New York Times columnist, and CBS News contributor. Her books Under Pressure: Confronting the Epidemic of Stress and Anxiety in Girls and Untangled: Guiding Teenage Girls Through the Seven Transitions into Adulthood are nationally recognized as guideposts to young female wellness and self-fulfillment. Dr. Lisa Damour, Ph.D. compiled a series of steps for parents to follow as they guide their girls through frustration and stress to self-awareness and options of resolution.
Click here to download this helpful guide on how to manage a meltdown

Turns Out Smarter Kids Are Made, Not Born
New study hints parental mindset about potential for growth yields better outcomes starting from very early age.
Many parents in past decades believed that intelligence and many other abilities were fixed traits. A child was born smart or not, and little could be done to change that. More recent research has upended that notion, and shown that encouraging parents to adopt a so-called growth mindset leads to better educational outcomes for their children.
Click here to read the rest of this article in The Harvard Gazette

48 Pieces of Advice From Educators on How to Survive this Challenging Time
Dealing with mask mandates and health concerns. Facing public scrutiny on how to teach America’s history of racism. Covering colleagues’ classes because there are no substitute teachers. Fighting local book bans. Helping young people cope with mental health issues worsened by the pandemic. This is the reality of many educators in America right now.
Click here to read the rest of this article in The New York Times
Adam Grant: Why rethinking our ideas means we're growing
"I don't think that rethinking always makes you happy, but failing to think again is a recipe for misery. I can't tell you how many students I've had, for example, who decide, you know, like at age 3 1/2, I must be a doctor or a lawyer. And they don't bother to question that until they're long through med school or law school. They're like, but I hate this, but this is my identity.
I think they're really misunderstanding what it means to think again, right? So changing your mind does not mean you've abandoned your principles. It means you've evolved - or the world around you has evolved."
Click here to listen to this conversation or read this article on the TED Radio Hour from NPR.
How to make your child stand out in a virtual preschool interview or tour, according to a consultant
Prior to the pandemic, parents of preschoolers hoping to get their child into a prestigious program in New York City, Los Angeles, or other competitive cities could expect to spend ample time at their schools of choice. Whether for tours, interviews, meetings with teachers and staff, or other visits, part of the admissions process revolved around in-person meetups.
But with COVID-19 still not safely in the rearview mirror, the elite preschool admissions game has changed.
How to get your kid into NYC's prestigious 92nd Street Y Nursery School, according to three preschool consultants and a parent
Every year, parents fight to get their children a coveted spot at the 92nd Street Y, a prestigious preschool on the Upper East Side of Manhattan.
Once dubbed the "Harvard of Nursery Schools" by New York Magazine, the school attracts celebrities and executives thanks to name-brand recognition and a track record of getting kids into top private elementary schools in the city.
Click here to read this article in The Business Insider.
12 Things Equity Focused Teachers Can Say to Students in the New School Year
As school returns, we know this year presents unique challenges and changes to both educators and students. With such change, it may be especially difficult to communicate with students. While your intentions may be good, sometimes the impact of what we say can have unintended consequences. Consider some of these alternatives to have the impact you wish to have to start the year on a strong note.
Click here to read this article in Education Elements.
How to Set Up Parental Controls on Chromebooks for Kids and Teens
Chromebooks are the hot product of the season, thanks to pandemic-related home schooling. The trick is making sure your kids aren’t using them to goof off—or worse.
Click here to read this article in The Wall Street Journal.
How to Set Up School at Home for Students of All Ages
With remote teaching continuing this fall, parents are working on more permanent spaces for class. The back-to-school shopping list is a bit more complicated this year, especially for parents who need to re-create a classroom at home.
Click here to read this article in The Wall Street Journal.
An NYC preschool admissions consultant shares the advice she gives parents to help get their kid into a top program
Manhattan-based educational consultant Wendy Levey has deep roots in New York City's preschool scene, having founded and directed her own school on the Upper East Side for 45 years.
She shared the advice she gives clients for helping their kids land a coveted spot at a top program in the city.
Click here to read this article in The Business Insider.

7 Ways to Store an Overwhelming Amount of Toys
Meghan Moravcik Walbert of Lifehacker created an exceptional list of 7 methods to make the most of your childs evergrowing assortment of toys.
Click here to read this article in lifehacker.
How Teens Use Downtime to Connect, Distract or Reflect
Different choices for how young people use free time lead to different kinds of relief.
Click here to read this article in The New York Times.
How Kindergarten Readiness Helps Children All the Way Through High School
The readiness kindergarten provides is even more important to a child’s success in high school than previously believed, according to a new study published today by the American Academy of Pediatrics.
Click here to read this article in Healthline.
Landmark Study Shows Doll Play Nurtures Empathy
At Mattel, we’ve long believed that play has the power to change the world. As the world’s leading toy company, we feel a profound responsibility to continuously learn how to show the world the value of play to kids and families across all genders, races, abilities, and cultures.
Click here to read this article in The Genius of Play.
The Psychology Behind Sibling Rivalry
You can’t avoid fighting. You can only hope to contain it.
Click here to read this article in The New York Times.
43 Must-read Books About Racism for Adults and Kids
Here are some books on how to talk about race, brush up on history and learn about important figures.
Click here to read this article in The Chicago Sun Times.

Children's Screen Time Has Soared in the Pandemic, Alarming Parents and Researchers
"There will be a period of epic withdrawal,” warned one addiction specialist, once schools, activities and social life return to normal.
Why Parents Should Stop Blaming Themselves For How Their Kids Turn Out
As it turns out, the science supports a totally different and ultimately empowering message: Trying to predict how a child will turn out based on choices made by their parents is like trying to predict a hurricane from the flap of a butterfly’s wings.
Click here to read this article in the TED Community.
A Big List of Podcasts for Little Kids
If you’re looking for new ways to occupy your little ones, these shows are sure to appeal to kids ages 2 to 6, as well as their parents.
Click here to read this article in The New York Times.
The Benefits of Attending a Girl's School
Not every student can excel in a coeducational classroom, and that's why many students opt for single-sex schools. When it comes to girls, in particular, these important developmental years can be greatly enhanced by attending the right school.
Click here to read this article in ThoughtCo.
How to Write a Thank You Note After a Preschool Interview or Tour?
Parents should always write a thank you note after a preschool interview or tour. An expert shares what it should include, and 3 example letters that hit the mark.
Prestigious preschools are notorious for evaluating family values. Consultants share how to best align yours with your ideal program.
A preschool's mission statement and philosophy says a lot about the program. Two preschool consultants said tying your personal and family values to a school can boost your chances of getting in.
Click here to read this article in The Business Insider.
How to Speak in Public
Public speaking can feel like an ordeal, but take a lesson from the ancients: it’s a skill you can develop like any other.
Click here to read this article in Psyche.
How to Help a Teen Out of a Homework Hole
The more students fall behind in the pandemic, the less likely they are to feel they can catch up.
Click here to read this article in The New York Times.
16 Exciting Books For Kids Featuring Asian and Pacific Islander Characters That They Won't Be Able to Put Down
If you take a look at your kid's bookshelf right now, you might be surprised at the lack of diversity amongst the titles.
Whether their shelves are full of car books or titles that feature characters that only fit a certain mold, there's plenty of room for books that introduce them to other types of characters and cultures. With vast ethnicities that cover large swaths of the world, storytime is a great way to introduce your child to all of the amazing cultures that make up Asian American and Pacific Islander populations.
A Manhattan-based preschool consultant on how to handle your kid landing on a program's waitlist - and best practices for nabbing a spot
One of the best ways to move your child from a waitlist is to think about the task from the perspective of an admissions director.
Preschool consultant Wendy Levey shared tips for getting your child off the waitlist at your ideal program.
Click here to read this article in The Business Insider.
8 NYC preschool consultants and experts to know to get your child into a prestigious program
Navigating the NYC preschool landscape takes strategy, luck, and often the right connections.
Insider compiled eight professionals based on recommendations and referrals from industry experts.
Science Says Children Whose Parents Play WIth Them a Very Specific Way Build More Self-Discipline
According to a 2020 meta-analysis of 78 different research papers spanning four decades of research published in Developmental Review, "fathers' play in the early years can positively contribute to children's social, emotional and cognitive outcomes."
Click here to read this article in Inc.
The 21 Best Back-to-School Books for Kids to Calm First Day Jitters
Whether your child is strapping on a backpack for the first time or just starting a new year, the first day of school is nerve-wracking even in the best of times. With school schedules changing and continued precautions around coronavirus, parents can expect even more back-to-school jitters this year.
CNN/Sesame Street:
Standing Up to Racism
CNN's Van Jones and Erica Hill Partner with "Sesame Street" forComing Together: Standing Up to Racism, a town hall for kids and families.
Click here to view this video on the CNN website.